Monday, February 11, 2013

A Fresh Start (Sort of a "I'm Back", and 2012 Review)

Hey there everyone!

Captain Li Hellsing, your Cosplaying Cosmetologist here!

Along with her other two personas, Natalie P. Moisa the "Average Lady" and Natalie Moisa the Stylist ^ ^

Now, I know what you are thinking. Well, at least those who know me well.

Is it somewhere along the lines of,

"Natalie, why did you give up blogging?"
"Why aren't you updating your FB page?"
"Why are blogging right now?"
"And how come in the last blog you talked about Nightwish?"

To answer all these questions"

"I didn't give up blogging, I just got lazy"
"Look up previous answer, this answers question two."
"Because I need a fresh start, and I will explain after I answer question four."
"Why not? I am a huge Nightwish fan." ;)

So in the explanation to question three.

Yes, I just got lazy. Also, after February  I was very much focused on graduating on time from Marinello (Beauty School), so I took night classes as well, which translated to 13 hour weeks. Also, I quit my job at Five Guys when I got hired at a local restaurant in San Leandro, as a waitress, only to be dismissed (for stupid reasons, I might add) about a month later.

After all that unnecessary drama, I did graduate, hung out with friends in celebration, and went to the Cherry Blossom Festival. Then came the preparations for Fanime, while I was unemployed, mind you.

Me doing my final "clock out", and yes, I wanted to wear a fancy dress because I started doing Cosmetology due to being a Theater Major, and working in the theater :3 Why not be theatrical? ;)
Photo taken by Oscar Cwajbaum

Fanime 2012 was the most fun Fanime in the past three years I have been going. I don't want to get too descriptive, but I will mention that I loved the Esmeralda cosplay my mother made me, got lols for Bentar cosplay, and ugh...dem lines.

Esmeralda cosplay was made by my lovely mother, Marina Moisa :3
All I did was the hair and makeup xD
Photo taken by Alexander Louie.

Then, summer came. I took my State Board test, failed the written portion, so in total, I didn't get my Cosmetologist License.

So all summer, I was unemployed, depressed, and lonely. Which made writing into this blog ever harder. Heck, I was barely cosplaying.

Now, fast forward to mid August. I got a job as a Cocktail Waitress at Ricky's Sports Bar Theater in San Leandro. Did I want to write?


I was also doing school, and focusing on it. Not to mention, with all the local basbeall teams and yes, the 49ers doing so well this past season, business boomed. I was tired a lot, and just not in the mood to cosplay or even work on my business.

Me along with the other lovely ladies from Ricky's. Waitresses, our bartenders are on the far left and right, and Tina, one of our managers, is the one in red hugging Amela :3
Photo taken by Morie Kahane

So why now?

Well. it's a new year, a new beginning, a fresh start.

And I want to make sure that this new year is just that.

I normally don't make resolutions, but mine is to keep doing the things that I had started out on doing.

I can be the biggest procrastinator on Earth. I blame it to being depressed a lot. No, I am just damn lazy.

So I am done being lazy, I am done finding excuses for myself.

So for now, while I am finishing up my General Ed credits, I am looking for new work (Ricky's is basically slow now that Football Season is over, and I have had many great prospects for new work :D Please pray and cross fingers!), work on my blogs and vid tutorials (YES I WILL ACTUALLY WORK ON THEM), keep my room cleaned and organized (Don't ask xD!!), and continue this topic of Cosplay Cosmetology.

I started this topic as a means to help Cosplayers, because I feel I have a lot to contribute to this community.

I honestly feel that God has put me on this Earth to help people, to be compassionate, and to make sure I can put a smile on someone's face. Seriously, I don't mean to sound like Pinkie Pie, but I do strive to put smiles on people's faces. Whether it is to help you, to make you laugh, or to just be a listener and counselor to your problems. As long as one person is smiling because of me in one day, then my work has been done :)

I leave you with this quote by G.K. Chesterton about starting over. Also, a My Little Pony clip ;)

“The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective.”  -G.K. Chesterton 

Basically the story of my Pony Form xDD

Best regards,

Natalie P. Moisa "The Average Lady"
Captain Li Hellsing, The Cosplaying Cosmetologist
and Natalie Moisa, the stylist.

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